Green Solutions

Specialty Services

Bickham Consulting offers certain specialty services to meet specific client needs.

These services include:

Foundation Inspections
North Texas foundations can be tricky and difficult to diagnose and homeowners need to pay close attention to them. Whether you have owned your home for a while, or you just recently purchased, having your foundation inspected is a very wise decision.

Utilizing the Seven Witnesses approach to foundation inspection, Mr. Bickham will measure your foundation as well as check each of the Seven Witnesses to give his opinion as to whether your home has more than normal foundation issues, or is simply experiencing normal movement for a North Texas home.

Oftentimes foundation companies try to sell homeowners major foundation work when it is not necessarily needed. By having an objective consultation performed, you will have the peace of mind you need to determine what to do next.

Click Here to watch our Introduction to the Seven Witnesses video to learn more.

Email or call us at 972.774.9242 to schedule your appointment today.
Foreclosure Investing
Foreclosure investing is not for the faint of heart! In order to successfully renovate a property and make a profit, you need a partner that can help you avoid the "gotchas" that will steal the profit out of a seemingly good deal.

Hidden problems such as foundation issues, brown rot, plumbing problems, or worse, can be far more costly than initially anticipated. Bickham Consulting can assist you in finding the big ticket items that will help you make your investment decisions.

We specialize in providing fast turnaround for foreclosure investors, as time is of the essence with each property. We can quickly provide you with information necessary to make a GO / NO GO decision.

Choose Bickham Consulting to be your investing partner. As the saying goes in real estate, you make your money when you BUY, not when you SELL!!

Email or call us at 972.774.9242 to schedule your appointment today.
Radon Testing
Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas that is formed during the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water. Radon exits the ground and can seep into your home through cracks and holes in the foundation. Radon gas can also contaminate well water.

Health officials have determined that radon gas is a carcinogen that can cause lung cancer. The only way to find out if your house contains radon gas is to perform radon tests.

Long-term radon tests take more than 90 days, but provide an accurate picture of the average amount of radon in your home. Since time is an issue, home buyers usually perform short-term radon with either an active or passive testing device. Most short-term radon tests are completed in 48 to 96 hours.

Bickham Consulting can provide this service to you in conjunction with your inspection (an additional charge will apply) or we can perform this service for you at the home in which you currently live, should you have concerns about radon gas.

Email or call us at 972.774.9242 to schedule your appointment today.
Mold Testing
Similar to the foundation business, there is much confusion and misinformation in diagnosing whether a home has mold problems. It is important to acquire unbiased and accurate information as to whether a home has mold issues.

Bickham Consulting partners with a firm that specializes in mold testing, and has a reputation for honest and ethical reports. While we do not perform the mold testing ourselves, we are happy to make a referral to a reputable company who provides unbiased information and excellent service.

Email or call us at 972.774.9242 to schedule your appointment today.
Environmental Testing
Depending on our client's needs, Bickham Consulting partners with a firm that specializes in environmental testing of all types including:
  • Indoor air quality testing
  • Phase I environmental site assessments
  • Phase II soil and groundwater site assessments
  • Phase III soil and groundwater remediation
  • Leaking petroleum storage tank case management
  • Underground storage tank closure and removal
  • Asbestos inspections
Past clients have included nationwide and local real estate developers, management companies, petroleum product retailers, fast food and supermarket chains, law firms and homeowners.

For commercial or residential inspection clients, we bring all the expertise necessary to assist them in making informed investment decisions.

Email or call us at 972.774.9242 to schedule your appointment today.
Information & Innovation for a Better Life.
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